& you?
machine or human…*
poetry, flash fiction, little memoirs, prose-poetry,
black-out poetry – code, pseudocode, proofs, questions
Language, in all of its subleties and complexities. Describe, excavate, reconsider, liquify, sublimate an object that means something to you.
Words should be limited to 500 maximum. Please send your work in a .docx or .pdf file in 12 pt. Times New Roman, Cambria, or similar serif font.
paintings, photographs, sculptures, sketches – diagrams, plans, blueprints – plots, graphs, histograms
Something that pleases your eye, and your eye, only – and that’s enough. Something that is a window to another world for the eye. Can be a visual image of an object, or a visual image about an object.
Please send your work as .jpg or .png attachments. Artist statements are welcome, but not required.
music – audio data
What sounds transport you to another place – sitting in front of the dinner table, brushing your hair? Everything is considered music.
Please send your work as .mp3 or .m4a attachments. Artist statements are welcome, but not required.
submit by sending an email
with a subject line of name_genre, an introduction in the email & brief third-person biography (for credit purposes – no past experience is required), & your work!
send to sarah.feng@yale.edu
*your survey results may be used to enlarge the sample size of the survey on the comp. page. everything will remain anonymized.